Fishing and Hunting HD


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Fishing and Hunting HD is a television channel dedicated to the passion of fishing, hunting, and outdoor activities. The channel offers a wide range of programming including thrilling fishing expeditions, hunting adventures, outdoor survival tips, and informative shows about wildlife and conservation. It caters to outdoor enthusiasts, nature lovers, and anyone with an interest in the thrill of the hunt and the serenity of fishing. Whether it's angling for the big catch or tracking elusive game, Fishing and Hunting HD provides an immersive experience into the world of outdoor sports and wildlife.

Program TV
  • 13:30 Acum Feedermania
  • 14:00 Urmeaza Duelul
  • 14:30 Duelul
  • 15:00 Proiectul Albinelor Si Protejarea Animalelor Salbatice
  • 15:30 Balazs Hajba
  • 16:00 Balazs Hajba
  • 16:30 Hodula Fishing
  • 17:00 Bucataria Iubitorilor De Peste
  • 17:30 Dudi Baits
  • 18:00 Studiu De Caz La Spinning
  • 18:30 Hodula Fishing
  • 19:00 Pescuit Fara Limite
  • 19:30 Pe Urmele Prazii
  • 20:00 Takacs Viktor
  • 20:30 Pescuitul In Focus
  • 21:00 A Ix-a Editie A Cupei Hethland
  • 21:30 The New Fly Fisher
  • 22:00 Dovit
  • 22:30 Nemethy Andras
  • 23:00 Kollath Jozsef
  • 23:30 Kollath Jozsef
  • 00:00 Evenimente F&h
  • 00:30 Bucataria Iubitorilor De Peste
  • 01:00 Doamne Si Pesti Intr-o Primavara Capricioasa
  • 01:30 A Ix-a Editie A Cupei Hethland
  • 02:00 The New Fly Fisher
  • 02:30 Dovit
  • 03:00 Nemethy Andras
  • 03:30 Kollath Jozsef
  • 04:00 Kollath Jozsef
  • 04:30 Feedermania
  • 05:00 Duelul
  • 05:30 Duelul
  • 06:00 Proiectul Albinelor Si Protejarea Animalelor Salbatice
  • 06:30 Balazs Hajba
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